
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Twelfth Night Coming Up

Happy New Year to you!   We made it through another year!!!  Congrats  to us all.   Now, it being January 1, we can do the whole thing over again and
perfect the art of living.
I had a great year... I learned a lot ... pushing myself  past the comfort level that I am accustomed too...emerging victoriously... and can't wait for the next project which is just an email away.
My dear husband gave me an early birthday present tonight....
Dixie Redmond's Izannah Walker Workshop.  I have wanted to do the workshop, but it wasn't until  now that I had the time to commit to it. (I may be sweating bullets on this one).
My cousin Carane, gave Tim and I the best Christmas gift.   The three of us will be going to Rider's Inn for The Twelfth Night Dinner.  We will be going to the costume shoppe next week.  What should I be? 
Tim wants to be a Knight's Templar.
I will have to make a medieval dress  at some point.   For the last year or so, I have been researching medieval dinners....I hope to host a dinner in the next year or two. (it's on my bucket list)
All my best to you in the new year!